Aishwarya Chodankar

One day I stumbled upon living and then suddenly came across something.
Life is an aura of boundless beauty, endless eternity and seamless skies I said to myself,
But didn’t know what it meant.
So many of us live in the hope of a better tomorrow, brighter day after tomorrow and a bigger day-day after tomorrow, I thought,
But do we count the mistakes we make today and wait for the change to be brought?

We crave for celebrations and long for the light which would one morning strike us in the pupil and change our lives forever,
Why can’t someone tell me let’s try to find sunshine from the bonfire!
‘Be today than become tomorrow’, that’s something you must have heard very often,
But what if I said, “Feel today and you’ll find tomorrow”.
‘Shoot for the stars’, that’s something we are told very often,
But what if I said, “Shoot for sight that is never seen and you’ll never be forgotten”.
We want to stand and face, but what if I said, just trace,
Now that’s something you’ll never do because the world will bounce to question you.
We want to be more than see,
Is that why we don’t seek?

When words can’t explain or triumph can’t satisfy,
When feelings can betray or when failure can encourage,
That is the time you must stand up and shoot for the stars,
For the stars won’t roll to you but you’ll rule the stars.
Confusion and perplexion will always rule your mind,
But, you know what matters is, our spirit that should never die.

Now I know why life isn’t worth only living, cause we ought to make it amazing.

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