About Us – Delhi Poetry Slam

About Us

Delhi Poetry Slam was founded in 2013 by Saumya Choudhury to encourage people to “express and speak up” using the powerful medium of poetry. It has now become one of the most cherished art organizations in the world, creating a space for poets from various backgrounds and nationalities to connect under one umbrella of “human expression”.                                

Delhi Poetry Slam has received several international poets to India and organized grounds for creative collaborations with the local poets here. Some notable artists associated with DelSlam are Jamaal Jackson Akbari (Canada), Easterine Kire (Sahitya Akademi awardee), Shruti Chauhan (UK), Giddy Perez (USA), Ikenna Onyegbula (Nigeria), Kyle Louw (South Africa), Sheri Booker( USA), Dennis Crowman( USA), Eeva Maria al-Khazaali (Finland) and others. 

With the purpose of recognizing emerging poets of India, Wingword Poetry Competition was rolled out in 2017. The competition seeks to encourage authentic voices, offering prize money and book publications to poets so that their words can reach a broader audience. More than twenty collections of diverse poetry have been published so far, including many debut collections by the winners. Most notable winners of the competition have been Nandana Dev Sen, Gopi Kattoor, Zarine Virji, Vancouver Shullai, Tialila Kikon, Ilina Sinha and Eshna Sharma. 

DelSlam has organized workshops, poetry festivals and writing retreats to lend a safe space for artistic growth and imaginative expansion for up-and-coming poets. With associations with cultural centers such as the American Center, Goethe-Institut, Alliance France, Korean Cultural Center,  DelSlam has been instrumental in creating the foundation for a global exchange of poetry. 

Our studio is located at Parliament Street in New Delhi, India.

Bestselling Books by Delhi Poetry Slam



News Links: 

1. Tip Of the Iceberg: Evening, DelSlam by Anirban B


2. German TV ARD Feature


3. To a Young Pakistani Woman, Delhi Poetry Slam video by NDTV


4. Spoken Word Session by Delhi Poetry Slam by Indian Express


5. Delhi Poetry Slam organises Ahmedabad Poetry Festival featuring World Slam Champion Ikenna Onyegbula and poet Kyle Louw from South Africa


6. Indian student featured on Delhi Poetry Slam's YouTube channel gets millions of hits for her take on misogyny in rap music by BBC


7. Featured on DelSlam's Youtube Channel, girl breaks stereotypes: article by Ankush Bahuguna 


8. Wingword Poetry Prize by Sriharsh Bhyravajju


9. Winner of Wingword Poetry Prize 2017 by Roots and Leisure


10. The Origin of DelSlam by Deccan Herald


11. Ottawa's Poet Laureate Jamaal Jackson invited to perform at Delhi Poetry Slam


 12. Wingword Winner wins 1 Lakh Rupees, article by Varalika Mishra 


14. Truth about Burqa: A poem featured on Delhi Poetry Slam 


15. Interview of Saumya Choudhury
