Apology! – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Taruni Bajaj
I know you have many, but
I have the only one in you
now we have come a long way
when things are against us in due.
Hellos are not meant
to end it all soon,
How far i have to go through
to find you again in boon?
When hurt swallows the love
and warmth taken off by misunderstandings,
the bruised heart forgets the bond;
the heavy fall off, calls for an ending.
Believe for once, my innocence weeps
my love never kissed you 
with any betraying lie.
I beg, don't leave your silence for me
it's screwing my heart, leaving here to die.
Stay for the moment, we'll upheal from this
breathe in those momentous times 
kept locked in haze;
trust the time, will turns pages next time for us
reliving the moments of good ol' days.
I will say hundreds of thousand sorries
bandaging with love, all those wounds and cry;
for all words of mine, that cut you sharply inside out,
my heart screams, not to say a single goodbye.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'My Sincerest Apologies' 


  • Dear your apologies are accepted by someone somwhere around the world

  • Beautifully penned ❤

  • Beautiful poem and Congratulations

    Ricky Mawlong

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