Welcome to the community blog of DelSlam. Here you can read truthful writings on things that matter in our lives. Share your thoughts in the comments section.
By-Tamanna Bhatt
Never been felt so much distress
In your company now I am scared..
By-Romit Srivastava
I won't add any more colors in your already blue life.
I won't bring a ray of hope in your lightless time.
By-Tanish Bafna
I look back,
Wishing for familiarity,
Wishing for belongingness...
By-Ruhi Jain
When words short fall,
When there's no one to pick me up when I fall,
By-Manya Singh
The days pass by
But she doesn’t seem to notice..
By-Hina Firdose
As she sat, introspecting, by the riverside;
About the times, to herself she lied.
By-Aakanksha Jha
There’s a red river that flows just behind the back gate of the last phase of the dilapidated colony...
By-Prabhnoor Kaur
Sitting on the shore fathoming the sun setting in its abyss...
By-Medha Arora
The world was sirens and fireworks and madness
And people and people and people...
By-Annu Teli
Anxiety, makes you internally weak, even though you’re physically fit...
By-Aleena Jomon
Once I saw a maiden fair,
Standing by the shore..
By-Angelaa Kaur
Dear loneliness
To begin with, I am sorry because
I lied, you are not dear to me....
By-Muskaan Duneja
Glory for one and pain for another,
However for her, it hit like a meteor-
By-Amoolya Tripathi
She wanted to flip the page where their story ended.
But something stopped her everytime....
By-Gyapti Jain
It's like a cage and I keep flapping my wings
They are broken of trying..
By-Arushi Joshi
I looked up at the sky, a dark space,
Freckled were many stars, on it's bare face...
By-Athira Unni
I've known people
who are so scared
to be alone...
By-Srujita M
It’s harsh when you feel you don’t belong.
When those promises whispered of everlasting life....
By-Bhavya Gupta
A room full of people.
Bodies moving, people shouting.
By-Aastha Saurabh
3 a.m.
Its three in the morning, I’m out the door..
By-Josphin George
The chaos you are hearing
Surrounding you like a wormhole..
By-Samiksha Ransom
Walk into the land of the unknown,
There isn't a hand to hold...
By-Devisha Tayal
Sitting by the window, watching the birds fly
My thoughts are unfamiliar, they aren’t mine.
By-Aashna Nagpal
Put yourself in that sharp piece of the mirror and attempt a smile.
Calm your face entwined with the evening- desperate for a closure.
By-Priyanka Bharati
Even today, she shivers every night before her sleep
she smiles a lot but beyond it, no one sees her weep..
By-Aarush Deora
Oh solemn singer
How I hate a soundproof room...
By-Nimisha Tomar
Far away from this world of chaos,
Where the sky meets the ocean...
By-Subhiksha V S
I could smell it, the smell of my burning soul, a raging inferno within...
By-Tanvi Nagar
I’m shrouded with the veils of solitude and blackness....
By-Muskan Atar
I wish
droplets on the adaxial of a leaf...