My dream is to have a dream

Himani Bhatia

My dream is to have a dream
A dream to find the courage to dream
A dream to feel worthy of having a dream

My dream is to have a dream
A dream to not fear to dream
Fear that one day my dream will fall apart
That with my dream, something in me will break too
Break into pieces that are hard to join
Fear that I will dream of companionship
But wake up lonely
Fear that I will dream of love and romance that stays forever
But wake up to faded romance and no commitment of love

My dream is to have a dream
A dream which I will see in a sound sleep
Sleep that I will get after a day
When I was genuinely heard and not just responded to
When I received as much as I gave
When I had someone telling me it’s going to be all right
When I simply refused to be gas lighted even when I thought I would lose someone
When I felt loved and wanted without fighting for it
When "what will people say?” failed to get in the way
When I was not constantly judged
When I was not self-doubting
When I had my space of making mistakes without being called dumb
When discussions did not turn into arguments so often
When response to my problems was not “I have problems too”
When people were kind throughout without motive
When love won over ego every time

My dream is to have a dream!!!

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