Contest Theme 'Love' #plutopoets – Delhi Poetry Slam

Contest Theme 'Love' #plutopoets

Welcome to the community blog of DelSlam. Here you can read truthful writings on things that matter in our lives. Share your thoughts in the comments section.

अयांश - Neeraj Manral

अयांश - Neeraj Manral

अयांश तुम मेरे और भाई की तरह
अपने खयालों में मत खोये रहना
अपनी नींदें पूरी करना ज़रूर
पर अपने ख़्वाबों को मत सोने देना।
I Never Asked How the Fire in Her Could be a Subtle Volcano by Prateek Joshi

I Never Asked How the Fire in Her Could be a Subtle Volcano by Prateek Joshi

As a bright spot

Loved, as a  quaking asteroid

Lets drink love !-  Surabhi K

Lets drink love !- Surabhi K

As she feeds, her mind calms down.
The cooing starts, tiny bubbles in her mouth.
Little hands and legs dance to silent songs
Lovers Anonymous -Binati Arora

Lovers Anonymous -Binati Arora

truth is that parting

is by far not the bitterest thing

that has dared to sit on my tongue.

A rendezvous in Cyprus- Ali Ashhar

A rendezvous in Cyprus- Ali Ashhar

The scintillating island of Cyprus

signifies million beautiful stories in a way, but 

ours is beautiful in a million ways. 

A Million Kisses by TJ

A Million Kisses by TJ

He certainly wasn't listening to a word I said

and I quickly deduce that calm parenting is probably just a myth

but he's a little monster I am in love with.