Do I Love You?


When you ask me if I love you

I laugh because I know I can't
I know I can't love you,
Not while you're in front of my eyes, at least
I can love you when you're gone
I'll carry around the ghost of you
I'll search for your smell in another guy's cigarette
I'll search for you in my dreams
I know, my love
I know this will happen
No matter how shallow your goodbye was, how foreign your fragrance as you left
I will pour my pain out
Smiling because I will always keep you a secret and yet have our romance written out here
Because you'll always be here,
In my poems, or the crooked words I can't really connect to form a sentence on bad days
You'll be here, wrapped in the pages of my notebook
as sleep hugs me in its embrace  tonight, I will close my eyes 
Leaving this world where I couldn't love you
And opening them to someplace I can
Although, you know what the best part is? 
Nobody will ever know if you were real
Because I will only love you here
And nowhere else. 
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'Breakup'

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