When The Mystic Meets A Starfish – Delhi Poetry Slam
When The Mystic Meets A Starfish
When The Mystic Meets A Starfish
When The Mystic Meets A Starfish

When The Mystic Meets A Starfish

Regular price Rs. 200.00 Sale

I have always been fascinated with the words and the depth of life. I believe words can solve the puzzle of restless hearts and as well as magically enlighten our hearts with a new light, that can take us all to a different universe to feel and live soulfully. My inspiration is Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī. The Grace and magic of Rumi's Poems inspired me to write about mystical love, life and inspiration. As I am a poetic soul and I have carried immense love for poetry all along within me, so I have started to pen poetry with the fragrance of words.

INR 200 plus shipping charges for international orders

About the Author: _Inkling Ink

I am a deep thinker and keen observer, an empath, perpetually poetic, a worshiper of words. I love to read poems of many legendary poets like Rumi, John Keats, Pablo Neruda, Edgar Allan Poe and Franz Kafka, Rabindranath Tagore and so on. I too like surfing about the latest technology. I am fond of listening to every genre of music. I do explore new places and cuisine sometimes. I never really dislike anything but I often failed to understand the hearts of the people that never carry kindness within. I strongly trust the goodness and humbleness of ones. The collection of poetry "When the mystic meets a Starfish" illustrated the stirring and enchanting poems. In this world where we all have lost to feel the magic of true love in life, my poems aim to be a perfect panacea for all the aching hearts who lost their hope in divinity. It will inspire people to traverse through the infinite darkness and feel the mystical light till eternity. I only wanted to convey and share “The Deepness” with readers. I encourage everyone to know about the deepness as a way of life for getting a pearl you have to dive in the deep ocean.

Follow the poet _Inkling Ink on Instagram: @mystic_mithi25

Email: mystic.mithi25@gmail.com