The Universe is Explosive – Delhi Poetry Slam
The Universe is Explosive
The Universe is Explosive

The Universe is Explosive

Regular price Rs. 250.00 Sale

The Universe is Explosive is a book of poetry covering everything from keys and hangers to mountains and stones, the many little and big things the universe has to offer. Through striking observations, Sanjana Saksena Chandra celebrates the deeper meaning and lessons that everyday objects and happenings can show us. The universe is replete with Inspiration, and nothing validates that statement more than this book. The poems are a tribute to perception and once you have read them, you will begin to see meaning in the most mundane.

About the author

Sanjana Saksena Chandra is a literature student, former journalist and current marketing professional. Sanjana is a voracious reader who also loves to write. An LSR graduate, she spent most of her adult life between Delhi and Mumbai switching jobs from mainstream media to global corporates and is now settled in Bangalore. Her first collection of poems, Sisyphus is Happy, released in May 2019. This is her second book.

Illustrations by Aaliya Wahab

Cover Design by Rocio Iriarte

Foreword by Colin Herd