Military-A miracle or a debacle? – Delhi Poetry Slam

Military-A miracle or a debacle?

By Rinitha Rajendran

On a battle field far away,
The war season began to wear away,
Peoples’ hearts were hurting and were being
filled with prayers!
The Soldiers' minds were hunting after their
People prayed for the soldiers out of care,
That the equipment should not go out of gear.
They shed tears of pain and out of fear,
While the soldiers fled with shears of strain far
from near and dear!

“VICTORY!” was what the letter read,
The soldiers were returning from the field to
meet their kindred,
People’s regard for the head soldier was ardent,
The commander’s will to safeguard his people was equally fervent,
How many torments were complied to fight against the goons!
How many foments were applied to treat against
the wounds!
With earnest and eager eyes the townspeople
were yearning for the commander's homecoming!
They were full of avidity and rejoicing.

Then they saw the soldiers,
Whose hands were held together,
As if stiffened by a solder,
People became speechless when they saw the soldiers standing hard and emotionless like boulders,
And standing silently by each other's shoulders!
They did praise their head saying that he was an unsurpassable rank and record holder.
“What a great audacity amidst a grave atrocity!”-the soldiers exclaimed,
Later all that happened in the field they explained!

A coffin was there,
To open it nobody could dare,
They thought it should not be the body of their master,
And they wanted it to be opened faster,
What did the tiny thoughts matter to those tiny tots?
They took it light and came forward,
It added to their delight in the broad daylight, what they saw afterward!

There was a pile of muffins inside the coffin!
Something, a gift through the gentle soldiers from the dead father,
To his newly bred simply soft children who were as soft as a feather,
‘In happiness’’, he wanted his children to live in!
‘In cheeriness’ and not ‘in weariness’
He wished his family to make a living,
And he wanted them to forgive him when he was leaving!
He could not see his family being happier,
He would not see his mother calling herself as the ‘Happy her’
People’s safety was what the commanding warrior had taken into account,
At the cost of his own life -was it not the battle’s amount?

He was an excellent serviceman,
As if born just to serve his men!
Having the agility to fight just,
And the ability to adjust,
To secure and save people’s lives in his own interest,
Nobody could stop his eternal rest!
He was surrounded by an aura of divinity,
He was called “majesty” and he was held with high dignity !

How many times he had remained resolved and
NEMESIS fell and broke the unbreakable knot,
Lost! A spirit lost! A life worth millions!
His merit was indeed of unparalleled brilliance!
Candles were lit,
Memory kindles were split,
Coffins were being covered with golden gilt,
Hearts were being covered with guilt
Tears were spilt and the flowers began to wilt,
When the showers began to hit!

Victory by saving their country men was their
It was for what they fought together as a team,
They were hailed as winners but who failed to gleam!
When God took only him!
It was not the head soldier’s time to load or lead.
It was his time to leave!
It was his time to bleed in the devastating battlefield,
The HEAD was lying there on the floor without a head!

He sacrificed his soul,
Only to emerge victorious on the whole?
To save his people in the ground was his goal,
Alas! at last he was reduced to a pound of coal!
Where did he falter?
But he died on the war's altar.
What happened thereafter,
For the plans not to have gone askew,
The soldiers assured: "Master, for further commands we will ask you.”
It all happened but the master was beyond rescue,
REGRET it or FORGET it..
Anyways it was time for them to turn over a new leaf and live
life anew.

He failed to unite with his family finally.
Bravery and sacrifice how well he portrayed!
The advice of his family, and the promises to his family he betrayed!
The dark corners of his home reminisces his valour,
But he is no more around its premises lying somewhere silent under the ground and around the harbour,
His war-going how badly they tried to prevent,
His homegoing how sadly they began to relent,
The master did compete,
And it was at this time when his life had to complete!
The master did compete ,he did complete the battle,
Alas! His dull and grey soul returned home in a bottle!

The townspeople never wished to see their master become a martyr,
For they have always known him to hold a protective empire!
'Do not go!', the townspeople urged,
'To not let people go!', was his desire that upsurged!
The head of the 'Head' was somehow searched,
And on the narrow coffin it was slowly and sadly perched!

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