Hubris of the Mighty

By Archana Mujumdar-Tambe

Twenty years and
Tens of thousands meaningless deaths!
Billions of dollars strewn away,
Creating unwanted debts.
All because someone or
somebody wanted to play God,
Who thought that a desolate Nation,
Needed the ‘ World’s supreme power’
To remove its warring pod
And then it was for the World
To gauge and to see,
What ‘Might’ could do!
What ‘Might’ could be!

And yet, after all this time,
What is actually seen?
“Hubris was a fatal flaw’ of that
‘self-proclaimed’ power supreme
Which not only turned, thousands of souls
Into a tormented raging Sea!
And these afficted souls now,
distressed and at War,
With no God left to plea!

Will the Mighty’s “Hubris’
ever mellow down?
Will the desolate Nation,
Happily wear its ‘crown’?
O Almighty above, will wise sense prevail?
Or efforts of all trying, to no end, fail?

(inspired by the Russo-Ukraine War)

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