Child in Pain


What does a child of five know
About a tumor in the head
She lies alone in the hospital bed
Unable to explain her pain and aches
Sedated, she is numb
A one-parent child
Mother swallowed by the jaws of Cancer leaving her mum
She has to fight a battle
But what does she know of a battle or an enemy.
Tubes and more tubes attached to her head
To draw out the liquid that is making it bad
No relief, no relief
Life is leaving her bit by bit.
She saw sunshine and joy for sixty months
Not long enough to fill her lungs

Happy to see her father every evening after work
Unbearable for him to see his only child gawk
He stands like a rock speaking lovingly
His life is shattered, two deaths in a row
Feels dizzy and weak, turns for help
But how many can empathize how he felt
Lavish weddings and foreign jaunts being more important.
Anxiety, distress and depressions weigh him
No words can console him
Hard as a rock, bereft of feelings
He needs healing thoughts to uplift his spirits
I can read his eyes
He wants the little child to go to the happier and Greater world Beyond
Relieving her of pain and with mother's love be adorned.

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