Breathless – Delhi Poetry Slam



Gasping for air and the sweating…the slick of sweat on HER forehead shining in the dim lights of HER haven, illuminated the fear that has been haunting HER till now….
And the touch of HER slipping sweat evoked the feeling of the repulsive touch SHE had succumbed to….
The unwelcomed TOUCH which SHE encountered by an acquaintance, who feigned to be as a compassionate, had creeped till her CORE….
And the CORE was shattered and so was SHE….all HER vigour was now chained to the metal bars of X’s penitentiary….
HER reclusiveness screamed the abomination and the loathe SHE had toward X…. SHE longed for HER life and whatever scant feelings SHE had, began to fade and the air heavy with X’s scent made her BREATHLESS….
HER feeble self lacked the determination to confront the evil but silence was not the answer….
The silence will only deafen the transgression, SHE thought….
The creak of night was starting to dim and every night has its dawn….
SHE gathered the shards of X’s vile and with shaking feet walked toward the window…the window was already transitioning from opaque to translucent.
SHE unlatched the window and the window panes flung wide open…signalling to HER….the TIME has come….
She HURLED the fear and HER hands now wide open….SHE felt the cool dawn breeze…SHE decided to BREATHE….



  • Thank you everyone :)

    Sarang Bhushan Kalpana Gujar
  • Nice poem 👍🏼👌🏼

    Unnati Maru
  • Wonderful poem with a deep meaning ✨
    Although I’m not anyone to give you appreciation but appreciate your efforts towards your passion which you are doing in your busy schedule and as your student I know for our class you have to travel so much and than after a whole hectic day you give time to your passion it’s amazing you are very lucky that with your profession you make your passion alive All The Best Sir For Future and keep sharing your poems ❣️🙏

    Vraj Patel
  • Thank you everyone :)

    Sarang Bhushan Kalpana Gujar
  • Absolutely phenomenal 🤩🤯

  • Nice poem Sarang
    Well done

    Anjum F sayed
  • 👌 nice one

  • Superb

    Priyanka Patil
  • Just Incredible 😍😍


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