By Puja Sarmah
We give them different labels
And have their dreams drowned.
We say 'they are not capable'
So we hold them down.
Slam them for the clothes they wear
Taking away their freedom of choice,
But blame them when they're leered
Because boys will be boys.
A strong woman is whom everyone loves
Until she starts standing up for herself,
She is then in need of a shove
Cause who will ever like a rebel?
Don't think about yourself too much
You're a woman, they say
Or else society will have you cursed
So put your desires away.
We will define you, they say
Your true self should never be unfurled.
No one will ever bother to stay,
If you're anything like 'other girls'.
Your supporters are few
So don't assume they will be in your club.
They will lay down with you,
But few will ever lift you up.
Agree to their terms without looking stricken
You don't have the consent to not comply.
They will clip down the wings of women
But want daughters who can fly.
Lock up your questions in a cell
Don't you dare ever enquire.
They will drag you through hell
But don't want you breathing fire.
They will let you be independent
You've got the freedom of speech.
Until you sign the conjugal document
For then you're tied on a leash.
Do they think of women as genie,
Conditioned to fulfil their every whim?
But women will always, I'll guarantee
Be much more than what you perceive.