SOLITAIR – Delhi Poetry Slam


By-Ahladita L


Dark walls keep pushing

Her soul to the depths

Of a pit so large it'll fit a crowd,

Yet not a single breath to be heard,


A broken girl sitting

Under the silvery moon,

As glistening threads of moonlight

Colours her lonely tears,


And as she sits amidst supposedly entertaining company

Of long known friends, all she feels,

The melancholy beat of her heart

Amongst the beats of glee,


Broken shards of the solitair maiden,

Not a human to hold her hand,

When she falls and breaks her bones

Not a person to help her stand,


And so she decides

To leave this world

If not one to give her a smile

No use of living with hurt.



This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon:



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