By-Sumbul Syed
The sun has set for me
All I feel is loneliness
All I am losing is closeness
All I can understand is emptiness
And sometimes when I am speechless
All I can do is explain less
Because I am nurturing loneliness
Gaining everything but closeness
Filling everything yet there’s emptiness
Speaking so much yet speechless
Learning so much yet explaining so less
Because life has gotten so much darkness
The world is bright yet light is less
For me to remove my loneliness
The stars shine at night feeding my wholeness
But still my heart is less
My creativity is less
My understanding is less
I am going everywhere but everything feels like a complete mess
Because life has gotten so much darkness
I am trying to make sense
I hope I let go of this loneliness
I don’t want to nurture anymore- the darkness
This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: