By-Ayushi Jain
At age 10
I wandered, I ran out,
My bundle of love was lost in the midst of shinning stars…
After years of trembling down,
I picked myself up, hoping you might see me beneath the sky…
Loneliness, it felt…
Hope, it feels.
Mother O mother, how many stars are there?
Mother O Mother, I can't wait to come there;
Mother O Mother, there is no other space
I try to give so much back
But you'll never come back
Only memories and moments of joy
Swinging near the well;
Threatening you by trying to jump for some penny
Being the naughtiest kid of the town
To now becoming the most decent one
I deserved more you than more me
Mother O Mother;
We shall meet there when sun comes down and nights light up.
And then my world will not be so lonely,
It would mean something.
Mother O Mother without you I'm Nothing.
This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: