By-Tamanna Bangthai
I sat among the clouds, hoping for a glance of you
Wondering if the height would suffice this time.
I waited longer than ever,
My heart was broken and eyes only a small opening,
But I stayed there alone,
For the hope, for you.
As I wake up from my dream now,
I realize I've been smiling.
Maybe you came,
Maybe you were there.
If only I could remember,
How you came from the clouds
Bringing with you the pleasant sunlight,
That blinded my vision, so,
Even your eyes became hazy as they met mine.
And off I fell into this deep, deep sleep.
I knew I had another such illusion,
The people call it so.
But I know it is my truth,
The truth I can live forever with.
This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: