The ocean of pleasure – Delhi Poetry Slam

The ocean of pleasure


Smell it,
before you lick it.

Let the smell
of my deepest essence
plunge through every aperture
in your body.

Enlighten me,
have you ever smelled
anything akin to this before?

Now lick it,
lick it as you mean it.

Whisk the deep-sea of gratification
contained within me
to receive
a spoonful of nectar.

Enlighten me,
have you ever tasted
anything akin to this before?

From now on,
every time you pine
for a mouthful of nectar,
remember to smell it intensely
before you start to lick it.


This work has been published in Beetle Magazine's June 2020 Issue. Read the full issue here:

Illustration by Dhanashree Pimputkar


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