Everyone Has – Delhi Poetry Slam

Everyone Has

Deonte Osayande

Liberating intercourse
without shame, I've been
trying to return home

to the money shot,
my guilty pleasure,
so many moons ago
& back then she let me be

for our skin care routine for
love making, facials & everyone
has fetishes, most several

& she was my first adult
sexual partner, knowing
what she was teaching me,

about freedom, accepting
oneself, but I wasn't her
first engagement, even
her second, & still she did it

& enjoyed it because she loved
me, until she didn't and then came
hospital visits and imprisonments

then came the psych ward, & tickets,
& the guilt of making her do perverse

things for me before I knew they were
but those lasted so much shorter
than the eternity I assured myself
was coming at such a young age.

This work has been published in Beetle Magazine's June 2020 Issue. Read the full issue here: https://issuu.com/beetlemag/docs/june2020

Illustration by Dhanashree Pimputkar

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