Consented Rape – Delhi Poetry Slam

Consented Rape

Naman Garg

I have been touched by men
A hundred times before
And I prepare my flesh
For a thousand more

I have seen my body becoming a grave
That some hollow men still do crave
And rape me
Again and again
They rape me
with my consent

And I will be raped as I can sense:

That men with vigour haven't been pushed
By vaginas, that are not as bruised
As mine, which is not yet mine
For men out there are too sublime:

To stand
And stand with grit
And speak in voices clear and crisp
That my pride
Demands prejudice

Men are drunk
So drunk on lives
And boys frightened
To recognise
My eyes are red
And sorrows high

I hide my grieves
Just like my scars
They die with time
Centuries and hours

My scathed skin
Is sweet surprise
For decent kin
That offers bribe

My body is set
to be loved once more
Oh! I am not a queen
I am a whore

My kisses are sweet
Their kisses are spit
My moans rehearsed
As orgasm hit

My sparkles lay
between my legs
That invaders chase
handsomely dressed

They strip my clothes
I strip my soul
For I have a family with empty bowls
And dreams
That my rapes endorse

Endorsed by people meant
To fight the trend so relevant

Of royals
who drink my sap
And act so sober to perhaps
Adore their queens with jewels and dress
And leave my body motionless
For people
Who call me a whore
And show fake love
Behind the door

Long live the king!
They chant with thump
But its only me who can confirm
That king didn't last long enough
To feel my vagina turning rough

And see my twirks losing their price
The royal smirk reaches new heights

Long live the king!
Love live the queens!
Long live their love!
And fellow beings!

And if my body is still being craved,
Long live my grave!
Last long my rape!


This work has been published in Beetle Magazine's July 2020 Issue. Click here to read the magazine. 

Illustration by Dhanashree Pimputkar


  • qdiWfwNR

  • LPfWkFjgEYQS

  • I liked the concept…and the way you penned down it ….is amazing

    Sushmita Kumari
  • This is so raw yet so beautifully written.

    Falguni Thareja
  • This was so raw yet so beautiful.

    Falguni Thareja
  • It’s too good, expressing the reality

    Monika Kumari
  • Beautifully expressed the harsh reality with gentle use of words. Loved it!

    Ananya Gupta

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