Shreya Shukla
As I amble my way back from the 9 to 5 job
Surmising situations that make my monotony discord
Exonerate my mind with mainstream goals
Escape the definition of “success” replete with holes
Extricate from the notions where a celebrated “happy” life is only preconceived
Wondering if I possessed the audacity to pursue in what I truly believed
Beholding the confident childhood evanescence into a self- doubting adult
With well perpetuated, unsolicited societal norms at the disposal to consult
Where the capabilities were predetermined by the gender and lineage
The career decided by the flashing numbers in the exam percentage
The tightly tethered kite with hopes to soar high
Struggled to get the option to at least witness the sky
Seated amid office cubicles with sheer acceptance to the societal construct
Learning to be complacent,
Suppressing the hefty inner turmoil waiting to erupt
One takes a look closer of what lies in front of him
A closer and meticulous look at the glaring excel spreadsheet
As the dreams dissipate and the reality supersedes
The aspirations are now merely confined to 5 and 10 year plan
Nothing much to yearn but to replay imaginary scenarios as a different man
Despondently I amble my way back from the 9 to 5 job
Surmising situations that make my monotony discord