THE SMALL BOY – Delhi Poetry Slam



A lad probably of seven was standing by the road's side,
A mark of long thin tears on his cheeks could be seen dried.
His frail body was giving a sign of lack of nutrition,
Anyone would feel pity seeing his starving condition.
The small boy was not caring of his running nose,
It seems as if he was suffering from endless number of undefinable woes.
His complexion had totally turned black,
He was trembling due to life's miserable attack.
At such a young age,
He had to endure destiny's rage.
What was actually his mistake?
Maybe his stars were never meant to wake!
His legs were shaking either out of fear,
Or possibly he was suffering loss of his dear.
His mind was numb and experiencing anxiety,
Misconduct was returned as the result of his childhood propriety.
With utter misfortune, his story was themed,
His eyes were searching for something, it seemed.
May his troubles changes into his good luck,
And he is pulled out from the marsh inside which he is struck.
May his search ends from where it started,
May he meet his lovable from whom he was parted!
May his stress turn into his childish smile,
May this would be only a dream which he was experiencing for a while!


  • Really very nice poem each and every line is heart❤ touching and expressing emotions of that child 👌

  • Beautiful composition…a peek into the harsh real world

  • Beautiful composition…a peek into the harsh real world

  • Very beautiful Poem

    Mritunjay pal
  • Brilliant!

    Mudit Chaudhari
  • Congratulations. Beautiful poem. Shailly I am proud of you.

    Mohammad Jalees
  • Wow😍😍❤❤

    Shailesh pathak
  • Beautiful poem, every line speaks out its emotions . I enjoyed reading it throughout…😍😍

  • Dii you are best ❤❤❤❤

  • Wow what a poem 🤩🤩

    Saurabh Pandey

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