The Flip-Side of Freedom

Rishika Kaushik

I’m not a morning person but I woke up early one day,
I used to think the moon holds secrets but even the sunrise seemed furtive today.
It didn’t tell me it’s alright to be blue,
That the sky gets that way when the sun shines too.
It didn’t tell me the birds sing sad songs,
That even the chirping Koel’s heart isn’t satiated for long.
(Why does the cuckoo bird’s song seem so sad when it’s got its freedom?)
My steaming cup of coffee condenses into the orange sky,
Prepared to leave me too, it dances in the air, it tries to fly.
I gaze at the faraway bird flapping her wings, into the horizon till kingdom come,
‘Icarus stop’, I say, ‘you’ve flown too close to the sun’.
(Did the faraway bird know, the flip side of freedom?)
Many moons ago they fought, so I could be free to walk into the open lanes,
But if I’m so liberated why do I still feel that everywhere I’m in chains?
A bee raps gently at the potted lavender I planted,
The ants march on as the bee’s wish is granted.
I look at my open door, hoping for a similar knock,
In a moment the bee is gone, seeking a different, prettier stalk.
(Does is it have to be so lonesome, this freedom?)
I slammed the door when Mama said, ‘No, you’re not going out tonight.’
‘You can’t cage me up like this, not without a good fight!’
Sat on her bed, too large for one person, she winced like you do at a bee sting,
‘Dear girl, be sure not to break all your strings, without them you’re attached to
(So then, is this the cost of freedom?)
I go back in and lie down on the bed that’s too big, there’s nothing to watch on TV,
I now know the price of deliverance but there’s still a strange comfort in being free.


  • Beautifully written, loved the imagery and the paradox explored in your thoughts and words. Keep them coming !

  • Excellent expression of imagination….young poet… best wishes.

    Dr Seema Singh
  • Loved this. Looking forward to more brilliance from you :D

    Pragti Rathore
  • Beautifully penned Rishika! Loved the way you have expressed it!

    Milan Khurana
  • Appreciate your visionary thoughts, keep going on.

    Sanjeev K
  • Flip side of freedom is thought provoking, and beautifully composed.

    Well done poet Rishika!!

  • Beautifully written! Great job Rishika!!

    Naetik Tandon
  • It reflects her creative mind and thought power.very well written. Fly like a bird on heights of success.

    Anjali Chandra
  • Beautifully penned❤️

    Pratima Jafon
  • Beautifully thought out and well-written poem.
    Must continue to write .

    Mary Mansukhani
  • You have left me spellbound by your poetry writing skills, which has captured emotions, thoughts and perceptions so beautifully! I can literally visualise !

    Mannat Shergill
  • Well opiniated…New perspective ….Keep going Rishika…

    Seema Chandra
  • Amazing thought, I had never realized that there can be a flip side of freedom until I read this… Beautifully expressed. ❤️

  • Very meaningful- the limits to freedom- who makes them, who decides.

    Rashmi Pandey
  • What a wonderfully written poem. Loved your writing style. Keep up the good work!!


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