Liberation, Glory, Bearings and Transformation: An ode to LGBT Rights – Delhi Poetry Slam

Liberation, Glory, Bearings and Transformation: An ode to LGBT Rights

By Nishtha Kumar

My existence is referred to as an unnatural crime in the books of law.

My preference is referred to as insanity around the country.

My existence is referred to as a torment by my own fore bearers.

My company is referred to as disgrace by this society.

My talent is referred to as a waste by whosoever encompassed my reality.

My identity is referred to as a joke funnier than the clowns.

My style is referred to as an impact of my ‘antagonist comrades’.

My elevation is referred to as a thorn in everyone’s route.

My happiness is referred to as a curse for millions.

My faith is referred to as a mockery of the Almighty.

My mind is referred to as a sordid place acknowledged by numerous doctors.

My soul is referred to as a dark black void for the sake of religion.

My love is referred to as bizarre whenever I confess.

My life is referred to as a nuisance every time I breathe.

The sour affliction I am,

Makes me unacceptable by all.

What I have been ‘referred to as’,

Murders me slowly.


Bit by bit.


The path I chose,

has been declared sinful & inhuman in the name of God.

But you are forgetting that all the beings on this earth are ‘HIS’ beloved,

No matter how much you despise my rights.

There’s one paradigm I will always affirm:

“Discriminating me, won’t make your miserable lives any better either.”

1 comment

  • This is so good!


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