I Want To Know – Delhi Poetry Slam

I Want To Know

By Deeksha Makhija
It's 8:16pm and 24th of September
and i want to go all honest right now,
my day? the entire day? 
it was good; it was magical
I talked about traveling; happiness; words; and you know? I talked about people today; people who used to be bad according to me
but then I got into a perception; that people? 
They are just wrong
and now; I believe they are just different from us; possessing some superpower, 
you know?
That makes them different; not bad or either wrong. 
So, let's talk about the superpower that i have or maybe i wish to possess? 
they say, "you make us happy with your words" 
So, i think 
"WORDS"; they are my super power;
because, you see? Making people happy 
is something that makes us happy.
But at times; like at times only;
I miss; I miss the home i never had, because I want to Know how it feels to miss something.
I cry; maybe because I want to know how it feels to cry. 
I get sad; maybe because I want to know how it feels to be sad. 
You see; they say your words
 are your super power
but this thing; you know
"I want to know" 
maybe this is the superpower
that I wish to possess
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'My Superpower'


  • Beautifully written

    Vinita Upadhyay
  • This is a lovely poem.

    Kavya Venkateshwaran

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