If you are in the tight shell of past which is crushing you forever, never get daunted by those terrible memories anymore which don’t even exist. It happened with so many individuals that they try to modify the past memories in the worst form and it impulsively inculcate in the subconscious mind which they find hard to come out of. Also by adding extra elements of negative thoughts in your mind, that is more than enough for a person to devastate. Many people who had undergone this phase have observed that people will gladly accept, what one person tells them but ignore another person who tells the same thing. They look back on every incidents of their life as being an unhappy experience. Stemming of this mismanaged imaginations could be out of the guilt that you were not being able to slam the people who belittle you, fear of failure, embarrassment, panic, worry, tension and above all, fear of people. Because of which people accomplish little and enjoy little. Truly, fear is a powerful force, which drives you, live in mediocrity and forbid people from getting what they want in this life. It is a form of psychological infection, which is curable and should not be brushed aside.

Conquering these apprehensions are not a far-seeing one. You CAN, too. The following shows how.
Analyze and determine exactly what has gone wrong and take actions wisely and promptly. Never hesitate. As hesitation only magnifies and enlarges the fear.

Refuse to fight petty people as it reduces you to their size. Try to wipe out the thoughts of being cornered by the snipers because of your fear to step forward as it is the most challenging and dreadful one, it requires a lot of effort and a great deal of time.

Never let people to get satisfaction seeing you stumbling. Radiate confidence and confront them. Get rid of fear of lagging behind others because people who drive you down are much behind you in terms of their knowledge and value. Be creative to stand out in a crowd. Make sure that you are improvising everyday. Publicize your passion so that people who pass derogatory comments on you feel blameworthy. Celebrate your mini victories. Never expect changes to happen overnight. As it is a long-term process, be sure that you are progressing and capitalize on the opportunities that come your way.

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