Frosty Lover – Delhi Poetry Slam

Frosty Lover

By Shubhi

A trickle of sound

A streak of light

A single word

Then an ageless night

A haunting silence

And wide-awake eyes

As tears of vehemence

Dropping from the skies

Air, that stands still

Moon, that mourns tonight

Why those stars glimmer so bright

When my cold lover, stays quiet

I shut my eyes with despise

And try to lure the sleep

But it treats me with a strange figure

Who’s sound gives me shivers down the spine

“A soul wanders

Leaving his host behind

Into space and time

As it all rewinds

To dusk or to dawn

Before you know..

It's all gone...”

My shreak, jitters all that there is

Yet nothing could wake my daunting lover

I stare and wait, wait to be curled

And no, he doesn't bother to even hurl

Has sun, forgotten to rise

Does river, no more know the flow

How long ago, has clock last ticked

What is it, the spirit done to you?

“Oh my frosty lover, why thou not behold me?”

“Souls that transcend

Mute shall they be..

As uknown was never known

Who’s known has never been”


  • Thank you..!!

  • Beautiful lines. I am emotionally touched. Can make out your deep and intense love for your lover (dadi). Many miles to go. Keep it up shubhi.

  • Shubhi you have beautifully outpoured your emotions,at such an early age the maturity of your thoughts is heart touching,God bless you,keep going on this beautiful path of literature.

  • Excellent poem…. Congratulations!!!

    Kiran pant
  • Thank you so much for the appreciation.

  • “The spontaneous outflow of emotion”—as Wordsworth puts it. Keep up your efforts.

    Sunita & Ajai
  • Thank you so much.. You all are too kind.

  • Beautiful emotions expressed in this enhances the beauty of these lines. :) Indeed a poem of great worth and keep it up :)

    Shubha jain
  • Beautiful, heart touching expression of emotion.

    S C Srivastava
  • Im so glad, all of you too time or from your busy lives to read my poem.. all the more grateful for such wonderful and encouraging comments and blessings ? thank you so much!!

  • Excellent and extraordinary way of expressing the deep felt emotions by a loved one to another loved one. I love it to read many times in general and ’ has sun forgetting to rise’, in particular. My blessings SHUBHI,my dear. All the best.

    Surender Kumar Dhiman
  • Beautifully expressed her inner core feelings and talent. I think she should pursue her master degree in english literature. This is the right time to listen your heart without fear and pressure.speak to yourself .

    Rk verma
  • Wonderful poem…hats off to d budding poetess!!!

  • Wonderful expression of emotions that can send chills up your spine.

    Mukul Agrawal
  • Deep sorrow well expressed….
    But remember…..
    Sun will always rise…
    So keep hope alive….

    Anoop Kapoor
  • She expressed her sad emotions of loosing Dadi in wonderful. way.

    Sharmil agarwal
  • The poem has beautifully captured love and loss

    monika mital
  • Very emotional deeply touching poem.Nature and human emotions are beautifully connected.

  • Very beautifully captured thoughts of a person saddened by the loss of his loved one..

    Gyan Anand
  • Very emotional deeply touching poem.Nature and human emotions are beautifully connected.

  • Soul searching question about life beyond life, numbness about loss of beloved, difficulty in acceptance of reality – flow of such emotions ? More so when it comes from a young person ?

    OP Shrivastava
  • The flood of emotions and the agony when you are helplessly at a the brink of no return situation, have been subtly treated and beautifully captured.

  • Lover, leave me a memory
    A gaze distilled with all the secrecy
    Lover, lean against the wall
    I too have a message to cross the veil

  • Wonderful

    Mudita Gupta
  • “Has sun, forgotten to rise
    Does river, no more know the flow”

    Beautiful lines! :)

    Divya Mondal

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