Dream Aquiver – Delhi Poetry Slam

Dream Aquiver

Pranav Kulkarni

It was long ago
I was standing in the dark
Darkness till horizon
Cold iced spikes kissing my knees
Heard the silence, silence of fear
Small white drop, kissing dread terror

I wasn’t scared
I was sure, I stepped ahead, looked around
And you were not there
Pale face of mine, I looked around twice
Wished that I should have hold your hand more tight
But I lost you, lost you in the dark

It was long ago
I was standing in the dark

I felt so hollow,
I felt unaided
I started running, followed the obscure
Never ending trail
Never met the dead end
Sweaty hands and salty globules
Made me see subsist blur
But still, I didn’t stop

I recall your touch
Your yarn like sparkling hair twine
Your echoed whispered voice in my coffer
Phosphorescent marks on my neck of your lipsticks
After every time we make love
But now you were not there

It was long ago
I was standing in the dark
I was all alone
But I knew I was strong and would fight
As always, I was your knight in shining armor
Will I be able to find you ever, oh love?
Lost you in the trail,
In the army of thousand strangers
But I knew I promised you
Will forever be together!

Was it delirium of purple haze
Or just a celluloid maze?
Flickering glows on the wall
Day embraced with misty dawn

Oh dear,
Come closer, next to me
Can I meld you inside me?
To the end of the world
Will never fade you away again
Not just in lives
But in the dream
From another dread terror night!

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