Could she be? Yes she could

By Yadawanka Pala
She's a twisted breath of fresh air,
Not the usual kind-
Kaleidoscopes hover the fringes of her brain;
Unicorns run at the back of her mind.
She's made up of drama and disaster,
When she allows herself to be-
Because "boring" is never a choice;
Madness is mandatory.
She's fire beneath her sunshine smile, 
A mini-monster,  yet if you hold her hand-
Tamed and reluctant she would be;
Forseeing forever in a minute and filled with glee.
She curls up under whatever flaw you possess,
and makes sure you know that from then on-
She's worth the time you invest.
She's a woman.


  • Keep it up darling. ?

  • Loved this! Flows like river. Beautiful, superlunary and yet precisely pertinent.

    Indrima Upadhyay
  • Loved it. The last two lines, especially

    Nisha K P
  • Inspiring!! Beauty with brain ? God bless you love

  • I love the flow of your writing

    Akanksha Chawla
  • Amazing work! This is a beautiful poem.

    Manjari Gupta
  • Don’t ever stop. You’re amazing. <3

  • Lovely

    Sean Booth
  • I literally love your writing❤

    kk ample

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