Celebrating Womanhood – Delhi Poetry Slam

Celebrating Womanhood

By Ayesha Tarannum

God made women as a blessing to mankind,

To be cherished and revered and loved.

When there is darkness all around,
Can you not find light in her hopeful eyes?

When there is turmoil within your soul
Can you not find solace in her embrace?

When life has beaten you down
does she not lift you up
does she not teach you to go on?

Let's stop being victims
Let's celebrate! 
Let's celebrate what a woman is,
What a woman can do
What a woman can give
What a woman can be.

You have the gift of giving life,
You have the power to nurture 
To shape a child's mind and future.

Smile, for the beautiful dresses you wear
Smile, for the colors in your world
Smile,for you can love and care
Smile, and chase away your fears.

A woman is indomitable,
She is fearless
She cannot be conquered.
She is a free spirit,
She is a healer,
She is an embodiment 
Of comfort, of love, of strength.

She cannot be defeated,
She cannot be broken,
She will rise like the sun 
She will shine on those she nurtures,
She will blaze on those who oppress her!

She is fragrance and sunshine,
She is also fire and hurricanes!

She is not equal to man
She is stronger
She is humbler
She is prettier.

Her mind is full of ideas
Her eyes are full of dreams
She is ready to win
She is determined and iron willed.
She is educated, talented and skilled.

She is an unstoppable force,
She will let her dreams follow their course,
Dare you try to stop her
Dare you tell her she cannot!

1 comment

  • Perfect for the international Women’s Month ???❤️ women power!


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